Sunday, July 1, 2018

My Rating System

I've put up a lot of reviews now, and though I use the standard 'out of 10' rating system, I don't think I ever explained how I use that scale. What someone sees as a 6, someone else might interpret completely differently. So, 79 reviews late, here's my ranking system, from 0 to 10. I've used the term 'movie' a lot here, but this applies to TV shows and games as well.

0 - A movie that insulted me. There is nothing redeeming about this movie, and the one or two good things about it are not enough for me. I hate this movie with a passion.

1- A trash movie that nobody should watch, aside from that one enjoyable scene or that character that saved it somewhat.

2- A boring movie that doesn't make any sense, but maybe the cinematography was good, or there were a few enjoyable moments.

3- An inconsistent movie. Maybe part of it was fine, but it was mostly bad.

4- We're getting there, and maybe this film wasn't a complete waste of time, but the cons still outweigh the pros.

5- A confusing movie, with just as many pros as there are cons. A film that you don't really know what to think about, where you could agree with almost anyone's opinion of it.

6- The first 'good' film on the list, and although there were still things about it that annoyed or angered you, it's still a film you'd recommend.

7- Just a fun movie. Nothing particularly special or groundbreaking, and maybe not even the most intelligent movie, but a film you can turn your brain off to and enjoy.

8- Hell yeah, now we're talking. This is a movie that knows what it is, and while it might not succeed 100% of the time, it entertained you very much.

9- Near perfection. Maybe there were a couple of things that stood out to you and you can't quite overlook, but it's still a movie that you could watch again and again and never tire of.

10- A masterpiece. It doesn't matter if there are a couple of flaws, those issues are so insignificant that it doesn't affect the overall package. A film you could watch for the rest of your life and be totally happy with.

As for the halfway marks between whole numbers (3.5, 8.5, etc), they land somewhere in the middle of the above system. Maybe a 4.5 is a movie you dislike, but you can understand why people might enjoy it. I'm discovering that I usually give out a 5.5 to a movie that you enjoy even though you probably shouldn't (Spider-Man 3, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).

Anyway, that's my system, and I hope this has helped clarify some things about my reviews. Sometimes a number can be misleading, but if you use this guide, you should be able to determine with accuracy where a movie lands for me, and where it would land for you in your own system. Keep it in mind when reading my previous reviews, and the many reviews to come.

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